How can we express that exactly one of the 2 variables is true:
How can we express that at most one of the 2 variables is true:
How can we express that exactly one of the 3 variables is true:
How can we express that at most one of the 3 variables is true:
How can we express that exactly one of the 4 variables is true:
How can we express that at most one of the 4 variables is true:
How can we express that exactly one of the n variables is true:
How can we express that at most one of the n variables is true:
Example: N=3
((x0⇒(¬x1∧¬x2))∧(¬x0⇒((x1⇒¬x2)∧(¬x1⇒x2)))) ∧
((x3⇒(¬x4∧¬x5))∧(¬x3⇒((x4⇒¬x5)∧(¬x4⇒x5)))) ∧
((x6⇒(¬x7∧¬x8))∧(¬x6⇒((x7⇒¬x8)∧(¬x7⇒x8)))) ∧
Exactly one queen in each column:
((x0⇒(¬x3∧¬x6))∧(¬x0⇒((x3⇒¬x6)∧(¬x3⇒x6)))) ∧
((x1⇒(¬x4∧¬x7))∧(¬x1⇒((x4⇒¬x7)∧(¬x4⇒x7)))) ∧
((x2⇒(¬x5∧¬x8))∧(¬x2⇒((x5⇒¬x8)∧(¬x5⇒x8)))) ∧
at most one queen in each diagonal:
((x0⇒(¬x4∧¬x8))∧(¬x0⇒(x4⇒¬x8))) ∧
(x1⇒¬x5) ∧
(x3⇒¬x7) ∧
((x2⇒(¬x4∧¬x6))∧(¬x2⇒(x4⇒¬x6))) ∧
(x1⇒¬x3) ∧
The resulting formula is not satisfiable: the problem does not have solution (one cannot put 3 queens in a chessboard 3x3).