Amabile Tatone DISIM  -  Università degli Studi dell'Aquila

Contents of

Here is the list of the file names in chronological order, together with the last modification date and time and the file size. To get the URL of any file prepend the string to the displayed file path name.
|2017-03-05 ! 12:58:00 PM ! 8615088 	! teaching/mechprimer/classnotes/2015/sect-04.pdf
|2017-03-05 ! 12:57:48 PM ! 9966977 	! teaching/mechprimer/classnotes/2015/sect-03.pdf
|2017-03-05 ! 12:37:04 PM ! 12633754 	! teaching/mechprimer/classnotes/2015/sect-02.pdf
|2017-03-05 ! 12:35:23 PM ! 11196202 	! teaching/mechprimer/classnotes/2015/sect-01.pdf