Model-Based Software Performance Analysis. Vittorio Cortellessa, Antinisca Di Marco, Paola Inverardi First Edition, Springer, 2011.
Poor performance is one of the main quality-related shortcomings that cause software projects to fail. Thus, the need to address performance concerns early during the software development process is fully acknowledged, and there is a growing interest in the research and software industry communities towards techniques, methods and tools that permit to manage system performance concerns as an integral part of software engineering.
Model-based software performance analysis introduces performance concerns in the scope of software modeling, thus allowing the developer to carry on performance analysis throughout the software lifecycle. With this book, Cortellessa, Di Marco and Inverardi provide the cross-knowledge that allows developers to tackle software performance issues from the very early phases of software development. They explain the basic concepts of performance analysis and describe the most representative methodologies used to annotate and transform software
models into performance models. To this end, they go all the way from performance primers through software and performance modeling notations to the latest transformation-based methodologies.
As a result, their book is a self-contained reference text on software performance engi- neering, from which different target groups will benefit: professional software engineers and graduate students in software engineering will learn both basic concepts of performance modeling and new methodologies; while performance specialists will find out how to investigate software performance model building.
Transformations from software models to quality models: mechanisms, approaches, technologies, tools
V. Cortellessa, A. di Marco and L. Berardinelli. Seventh International Workshop on Software and Performance - WOSP 2008, Princeton, NJ, USA
- H10: Transformations of Software Models into Performance Models.
V. Cortellessa, A. Di Marco, P. Inverardi.
The 27th International Conference on the Software Engineering (ICSE), St. Louis, Missouri, USA, 2005. [[pdf]
- Software Model to Performance Model Transformations.
A. Di Marco, V. Cortellessa, P. Inverardi.
The 1st International Conference on the Quantitative Evaluation of Systems (QEST), University of Twente, Enschede, The Netherlands, 2004.
- Luca Berardinelli, Marco Bernardo, Vittorio Cortellessa, Antinisca Di Marco. Multidimensional context modeling applied to non-functional analysis of software Software & Systems Modeling, 1-40. In Press.
- Filippo Del Vecchio, Valentina Mastroiaco, Antinisca Di Marco, Chiara Compagnoni, Daria Capece, Francesca Zazzeroni, Carlo Capalbo, Edoardo Alesse, Alessandra Tessitore. Next-generation sequencing: recent applications to the analysis of colorectal cancer Journal of translational medicine 15 (1), 246 - Free access. (2017)
- Martina De Sanctis, Catia Trubiani, Vittorio Cortellessa, Antinisca Di Marco, Mirko Flamminj. A Model-driven Approach to Catch Performance Antipatterns in ADL Specifications. Information and Software Technology, ELSEVIER: 83, pp. 35-54 (2017)
- Filippo Del Vecchio, Francesco Gallo, Antinisca Di Marco, Valentina Mastroiaco, Pasquale Caianiello, Francesca Zazzeroni, Edoardo Alesse and Alessandra Tessitore. New bioinformatics approach to identify target genes for dysregulated micrornas in a chemically-induced hepatocarcinoma mouse model. Abstract. THE AMERICAN JOURNAL OF PATHOLOGY, vol. 186, p. 17, ISSN: 0002-9440(2016)
- Filippo Del Vecchio, Francesco Gallo, Antinisca Di Marco, Valentina Mastroiaco, Pasquale Caianiello, Francesca Zazzeroni, Edoardo Alesse and Alessandra Tessitore. Bioinformatics approach to predict target genes for dysregulated microRNAs in hepatocellular carcinoma: study on a chemically-induced HCC mouse model BMC Bioinformatics Journal, 16(1): 1-11 (2015)
- Vittorio Cortellessa, Antinisca Di Marco, Catia Trubiani. An approach for modeling and detecting software performance antipatterns based on first-order logics.Journal of Software and System Modeling 13(1): 391-432 (2014). Springer
- Patricia Lago, Grace A. Lewis, Andreas Metzger, Vladimir Tosic, Domenico Bianculli, Antinisca Di Marco, Andrea Polini, Pierluigi Plebani: Report of the 4th international workshop on principles of engineering service-oriented systems (PESOS 2012): internet of services and the quest for case studies. ACM SIGSOFT Software Engineering Notes 38(1): 35-38 (2013)
- Mauro Caporuscio, Antinisca Di Marco and Paola Inverardi, Model-based system reconfiguration for dynamic performance management, (2007), in: Journal of Systems and Software, 80:4(455-473)
- Giuseppe Della Penna, Antinisca Di Marco, Benedetto Intrigila, Igor Melatti and Alfonso Pierantonio, Interoperability mapping from XML schemas to ER diagrams (2006), in: Data Knowl. Eng., 59:1(166-188)
- Simonetta Balsamo, Antinisca Di Marco, Paola Inverardi and Marta Simeoni, Model-Based Performance Prediction in Software Development: A Survey (2004), in: IEEE Trans. Software Eng., 30:5(295-310)
Conferences and Workshops
- Mai Abusair, Antinisca Di Marco, and Paola Inverardi. An empirical approach for determining context of mobile systems. ACM Proceedings of Context-aware, Autonomous and Smart Architecture Workshop(ECSA Companion) - pp. 71-77, 11-15 September, 2017, Canterbury, UK.
- Mai Abusair, Antinisca Di Marco, and Paola Inverardi. Context-Aware Adaptation of Mobile Applications Driven by Software Quality and User Satisfaction. Information Assurance Workshop, IEEE QRS Companion 2017, Prague, Czech Republic, July 2017.
- Antinisca Di Marco DevOps and WSN App: a Bio-Inspired Paradigm. Keynote Abstract - ICPE Companion 2017: 157-158, L'Aquila, Italy, April 2017.
- Jürgen Walter, Antinisca Di Marco, Simon Spinner, Paola Inverardi and Samuel Kounev Online Learning of Run-Time Models for Performance and Resource Management in Data Centers
Book Chapter - Self-Aware Computing Systems, Springer, Lecture Notes In Computer Science - LNCS, volume (In Press), 2017
- Radu Calinescu, Marco Autili, Camara Javier, Antinisca Di Marco, Simos Gerasimo, Paola Inverardi, Alexander Perucci,
Nils Jansen, Joost-Pieter Katoen, Marta Kwiatkowska, Ole J. Mengshoel, Romina Spalazzese and Massimo Tivoli,
Synthesis and Verification of Self-aware Systems Book Chapter - Self-Aware Computing Systems, pages 1-35, Springer, Lecture Notes In Computer Science - LNCS, volume (In Press), 2017
- Federica Aielli, Dajana Cassioli, Sandra Curini, Antinisca Di Marco, Stefano Pace.
iCARE: MobIle health-Care system for monitoring toxicity and symptoms in cAncer patients Receiving diseasEoriented therapy Eupean Project Space, MODELSWARD 2017, Porto, Portugal, February.
- Dajana Cassioli, Antinisca Di Marco, Francesco Gallo, Stefano Pace,
Luigi Pomante and Claudia Rinaldi
VISION: Video-oriented UWB-based Intelligent Ubiquitous Sensing.
International Conference on the Science of Electrical Engineering (ICSEE) Eilat, , Israel. November 2016
- Federica Aielli, Davide Ancona, Pasquale Caianiello, Stefania Costantini, Giovanni De Gasperis, Antinisca Di Marco, Angelo Ferrando and Viviana Mascardi FRIENDLY & KIND with your Health: Human-friendly Knowledge-INtensive Dynamic Systems for the e-Health Domain. 14th International Conference on Practical Applications of Agents and Multi-Agent Systems. Sevilla (Spain), June, 2016
- Henry Muccini, Antinisca Di Marco, Alessandro D'Innocenzo and Giovanni De Gasperis. Living Lab UnivAq - Teaching of Smart Environments. CINI Annual Workshop on ICT for Smart Cities & Communities, September 2016, Benevento, Italy.
- Federica Aielli, Davide Ancona, Pasquale Caianiello, Stefania Costantini, Giovanni De Gasperis, Antinisca Di Marco, Angelo Ferrando and Viviana Mascardi. FRIENDLY & KIND with your Health: Human-friendly Knowledge-INtensive Dynamic Systems for e-Health. CINI Annual Workshop on ICT for Smart Cities & Communities, September 2016, Benevento, Italy.
- Dajana Cassioli, Antinisca Di Marco, Stefano Pace, Federica Aielli. i-CARE: Mobile health-care system to monitor toxicity and symptoms in cancer patients under disease-oriented therapy.
CINI Annual Workshop on ICT for Smart Cities & Communities, October 2015, Palermo, Italy.
- Stefano Pace, Antinisca Di Marco, Dajana Cassioli, Veronica Santi, Claudia Pajewski. iTour: An interpreter for thematic virtual tours.
CINI Annual Workshop on ICT for Smart Cities & Communities, October 2015, Palermo, Italy.
- Dajana Cassioli, Antinisca Di Marco, Francesco Gallo, Stefano Pace, Luigi Pomante, and Claudia Rinaldi VISION:Video-orientedUWB-basedIntelligentUbiquitousSensing DemooftheVideo-orientedIntelligentSensing Demo @ SENSoRNETS 2015, Anger, France.
- Luca Berardinelli, Antinisca Di Marco, Stefano Pace, Luigi Pomante, Walter Tiberti. Energy Consumption Analysis and Design of Energy-Aware WSN Agents in fUML. ECMFA 2015: 1-17
- Antinisca Di Marco, Catia Trubiani. A model-driven approach to broaden the detection of software performance antipatterns at runtime. FESCA 2014, Grenoble, France.
- Catia Trubiani, Antinisca Di Marco, Vittorio Cortellessa, Nariman Mani, Dorina Petriu. Exploring Synergies between Bottleneck Analysis and Performance Antipatterns. ACM International Conference on PErformance (ICPE), 2014, Dublin, Ireland.
- Luca Berardinelli, Antinisca Di Marco, Stefano Pace: fUML-Driven Design and Performance Analysis of Software Agents for Wireless Sensor Network. ECSA 2014: 324-339
- Luca Berardinelli, Antinisca Di Marco, Stefano Pace, Stefano Marchesani, Luigi Pomante. Modeling and Timing Simulation of Agilla Agents for WSN Applications in Executable UML. EPEW 2013, pg. 300-311
- Antinisca Di Marco, Stefano Pace Model-Driven Approach to Agilla Agent Generation. IEEE Proc. of IWCMC 2013
Cagliari, Sardinia, Italy, July 1—5, 2013.
- Antinisca Di Marco, Paola Inverardi, Romina Spalazzese. Synthesizing self-adaptive connectors meeting functional and performance concerns. SEAMS 2013, 133-142.
- Antinisca Di Marco, Francesco Gallo, Orhan Gemikonakli, Leonardo Mostarda, Franco Raimondi. Implementing Adaptation and Reconiguration Strategies in Heterogeneous WSN.
The 27th IEEE International Conference on Advanced Information Networking and Applications (AINA-2013), pp. 477-483, Barcelona, Spain, March 25-28, 2013.
- Luca Berardinelli, Antinisca Di Marco, Flavia Di Paolo. MICE:Monitoring and modelIng the Context Evolution. 2nd Awareness Workshop on Challenges for Achieving Self-awareness in Autonomic Systems (Awareness 2012).
10th September 2012, Lyon, France.
- Antonia Bertolino, Antinisca Di Marco, Francesca Lonetti. Complex events specification for properties
validation . Accepted for the Main Track of 8th International Conference on the Quality of Information and Communications Technology (Quatic 2012)
Lisbon, Portugal, 3 to 6 September 2012
- Vittorio Cortellessa, Martina De Sanctis, Antinisca Di Marco, Catia Trubiani. Enabling Performance Antipatterns to arise from an
ADL-based Software Architecture . Joint 10th Working IEEE/IFIP Conference on Software Architecture & 6th European Conference on Software Architecture (WICSA/ECSA 2012). Helsinki, Finland, August 20–24, 2012.
- Antinisca Di Marco, Francesco Gallo, Franco Raimondi. PROTEUS: a language for Adaptation Plans. The Fourth International Conference on Adaptive and Self-Adaptive Systems and Applications
(ADAPTIVE 2012), July 22-27, 2012, Nice, France.
- Luca Berardinelli, Dajana Cassioli, Antinisca Di Marco, Anna Esposito, Maria Teresa Riviello, Catia Trubiani. VISION as a support to Cognitive Behavioural Systems. Book Chapter. Cognitive Behavioural Systems, LNCS .
- Antinisca Di Marco, Francesca Lonetti, Guglielmo De Angelis. Property-Driven Software Engineering Approach. Poster Paper. Fifth International Conference on Software Testing, Verification and Validation (ICST2012), pp. 966-967,April 2012, Montreal.
- Vittorio Cortellessa, Antinisca Di Marco, Catia Trubiani. Software Performance Antipatterns: Modeling and Analysis. 12th International School on
Formal Methods for the Design of Computer, Communication and Software Systems: Model-Driven Engineering. LNCS 7320. Bertinoro, Italy. June 2012.
- Antinisca Di Marco, Stefano Pace, Stefano Marchesani, Luigi Pomante. Model-Driven Agent Generation Approach for Adaptable and Resource-Aware Sensor Node. Third International Workshop on
Software Engineering for Sensor Network Applications (SESENA2012). Zurich, Switzerland.
- Antonia Bertolino, Calabro' Antonello, Lonetti Francesca, Antinisca Di Marco and Antonino Sabetta, Towards a model-driven infrastructure for runtime monitoring, in: Proceedings of SERENE 2011, 2011.
- Antinisca Di Marco, Claudio Pompilio, Antonia Bertolino, Calabro' Antonello, Lonetti Francesca and Antonino Sabetta, Yet Another Meta-Model to specify Non-Functional Properties, 2011
- Luca Berardinelli, Antinisca Di Marco and Cecilia Mascolo, Performance Analysis and Prediction of Physically Mobile Systems: a Case Study, in: InfQ 2011, 2011.
- Fabio Calvarese, Antinisca Di Marco and Ivano Malavolta, Towards a graphical representation for the Æmilia Architecture Description Language, in: InfQ2011, Lipari, Italy, 2011 .
- Dajana Cassioli, Vittorio Cortellessa, Antinisca Di Marco and Luigi Pomante, A Successful VISION: Video-oriented UWB based Intelligent Ubiquitous Sensing, in: IEEE Consumer Communications and Networking Conference, Las Vegas, Nevada, USA, IEEE Communications Society, 2011
- Luca Berardinelli, Vittorio Cortellessa and Antinisca Di Marco, A Profile-driven Environment for Modeling and Analyzing Context-Aware Software Services, in: 36th EUROMICRO Conference on Software Engineering and Advanced Applications (SEAA 2010), 2010
- Antonia Bertolino, Felicita Di Giandomenico, Antinisca Di Marco, Valérie Issarny, Fabio Martinelli, Ilaria Matteucci, Paolo Manuel Masci, Rachid Saadi and Antonino Sabetta, Dependability in dynamic, evolving and heterogeneous systems: the CONNECT approach , in: 2nd International Workshop on Software Engineering for Resilient Systems (SERENE 2010), 2010
- Vittorio Cortellessa, Antinisca Di Marco, Romina Eramo, Alfonso Pierantonio and Catia Trubiani, Digging into UML models to remove performance antipatterns, in: First International workshop on Quantitative Stochastic Models in the Verification and Design of Software Systems (Quovadis), 2010
- Antinisca Di Marco, Francesco Gallo, Paola Inverardi and Rodolfo Ippoliti, Learning from the Cell Life-Cycle: A Self-adaptive Paradigm, in: ECSA, pages 485-488, 2010 - Best Poster Award
- Antinisca Di Marco and Antonino Sabetta, Model-based dynamic QoS-driven service composition, in: 2nd International Workshop on the Quality of Service-Oriented Software Systems (QUASOSS 2010), 2010
- Vittorio Cortellessa, Antinisca Di Marco and Catia Trubiani, Performance Antipatterns as Logical Predicates, in: 15th IEEE International Conference on Engineering of Complex Computer Systems (ICECCS2010), 2010
- Luca Berardinelli, Vittorio Cortellessa and Antinisca Di Marco, Performance Modeling and Analysis of Context-Aware Mobile Software Systems, in: FASE, pages 353-367, 2010 - Best Paper Award
- Antonia Bertolino, Felicita Di Giandomenico, Antinisca Di Marco, Paolo Manuel Masci and Antonino Sabetta, QoS metrics in dynamic, evolving and heterogeneous CONNECTed systems, in: eighth International Workshop On Dynamic Analysis (WODA 2010), 2010
- Antinisca Di Marco, Francesco Gallo, Paola Inverardi and Rodolfo Ippoliti, Towards a Stem Architecture Description Language for Self-Adaptive Systems, in: Fourth IEEE International Conference on Self-Adaptive and Self-Organizing Systems (SASO2010), 2010
- Vittorio Cortellessa, Antinisca Di Marco and Luca Berardinelli, A Unified Approach to Model Non-Functional Properties of Mobile Context-Aware Software, in: Non-functional System Properties in Domain Specific Modeling Languages, Denver (Colorado), USA, CEUR-WS, 2009
- Vittorio Cortellessa, Antinisca Di Marco, Romina Eramo, Alfonso Pierantonio and Catia Trubiani, Approaching the Model-Driven Generation of Feedback to Remove Software Performance Flaws, in: EUROMICRO-SEAA, pages 162-169, 2009
- Antonia Bertolino, Guglielmo De Angelis, Antinisca Di Marco, Paola Inverardi, Antonino Sabetta and Massimo Tivoli, A Framework for Analyzing and Testing the Performance of Software Services, in: ISoLA, pages 206-220, 2008
- Mauro Caporuscio, Antinisca Di Marco, Leonardo Mariani, Henry Muccini, Andrea Polini and Onn Shehory, ARAMIS 2008: The First Int. Workshop on Automated engineeRing of Autonomic and run-tiMe evolvIng Systems, in: ASE, pages 529-530, 2008
- Vittorio Cortellessa, Sara Di Gregorio and Antinisca Di Marco, Using ATL for transformations in software performance engineering: a step ahead of java-based transformations?, in: WOSP, pages 127-132, 2008
- Marco Autili, Luca Berardinelli, Vittorio Cortellessa, Antinisca Di Marco, Davide Di Ruscio, Paola Inverardi and Massimo Tivoli, A Development Process for Self-Adapting Service Oriented Applications, in: International Conference on Service Oriented Computing (ICSOC 2007), pages 442-448, Springer, 2007
- Vittorio Cortellessa, Antinisca Di Marco and Paola Inverardi, Integrating Performance and Reliability Analysis in a Non-Functional MDA Framework, in: FASE, pages 57-71, 2007
- Vittorio Cortellessa, Antinisca Di Marco and Paola Inverardi, Non-Functional Modeling and Validation in Model-Driven Architecture, in: WICSA, pages 25, 2007
- Antinisca Di Marco and Cecilia Mascolo, Performance analysis and prediction of physically mobile systems, in: WOSP, pages 129-132, 2007
- Marco Autili, Vittorio Cortellessa, Antinisca Di Marco and Paola Inverardi, A Conceptual Model for Adaptable Context-aware Services, in: Proceedings of the International Workshop on Web Services Modeling and Testing (WS-MaTe2006), pages 15--33, 2006
- Antinisca Di Marco and Raffaela Mirandola, Model Transformation in Software Performance Engineering, in: QoSA, pages 95-110, 2006
- Vittorio Cortellessa, Antinisca Di Marco and Paola Inverardi, Software performance model-driven architecture, in: SAC, pages 1218-1223, 2006
- Vittorio Cortellessa, Antinisca Di Marco, Paola Inverardi, Fabio Mancinelli and Patrizio Pelliccione, A Framework for the Integration of Functional and Non-functional Analysis of Software Architectures (2005), in: Electr. Notes Theor. Comput. Sci., 116(31-44)
- Connie U. Smith, Catalina M. Lladó, Vittorio Cortellessa, Antinisca Di Marco and Lloyd G. Williams, From UML models to software performance results: an SPE process based on XML interchange formats, in: WOSP, pages 87-98, 2005
- Mauro Caporuscio, Antinisca Di Marco and Paola Inverardi, Run-time performance management of the Siena publish/subscribe middleware, in: WOSP, pages 65-74, 2005
- Vittorio Cortellessa, Antinisca Di Marco and Paola Inverardi, Transformations of software models into performance models, in: ICSE, pages 728-729, 2005
- Antinisca Di Marco and Francesco Lo Presti, Two Early Performance Analysis Approaches at work on Simplicity System, in: First International Conference on the Quality of Software Architectures (QoSA 2005), 2005
- Daniele Compare, Antonio D'Onofrio, Antinisca Di Marco and Paola Inverardi, Automated Performance Validation of Software Design: An Industrial Experience, in: ASE, pages 298-301, 2004
- Antinisca Di Marco and Paola Inverardi, Compositional Generation of Software Architecture Performance QN Models, in: WICSA, pages 37-46, 2004
- Marco Castaldi, Antinisca Di Marco and Paola Inverardi, Data driven reconfiguration for performance improvements: a model based approach, in: RAMSS 2004, 2004
- Simonetta Balsamo, Moreno Marzolla, Antinisca Di Marco and Paola Inverardi, Experimenting different software architectures performance techniques: a case study, in: WOSP, pages 115-119, 2004
- Vittorio Cortellessa, Antinisca Di Marco and Paola Inverardi, Three Performance Models at Work: A Software Designer, Perspective (2004), in: Electr. Notes Theor. Comput. Sci., 97(219-239)
- Vittorio Cortellessa and Antinisca Di Marco, Towards uniform interchange formats for performance validation tools, in: DSN 2004 - Fast Abstract, 2004
- Vittorio Cortellessa, Antinisca Di Marco, Paola Inverardi, Henry Muccini and Patrizio Pelliccione, Using UML for SA-based Modeling and Analysis, in: Proceedings of the Int. Workshop on Software Architecture Description and UML., Lisbon, Portugal, 2004
- Antinisca Di Marco and Paola Inverardi, Starting from Message Sequence Chart for Software Architecture Early Performance Analysis, in: SCESM 2003, 2003
- Giuseppe Della Penna, Antinisca Di Marco, Benedetto Intrigila, Igor Melatti and Alfonso Pierantonio, Xere: Towards a Natural Interoperability between XML and ER Diagrams, in: FASE, pages 356-371, 2003
- Model-based Performance Analysis of
Software Architectures.
Antinisca Di Marco. Ph.D. Thesis. June 2005.[zip]
- Managing the
Consistency of Complex Structured Documents.
Antinisca Di Marco. MSc Thesis. July 2001.