Università degli Studi dell'Aquila
Dipartimento di Ingegneria e Scienze dell'Informazione e Matematica
Via Vetoio, Località Coppito, 67010 L'AQUILA

Distributed Systems
A.Y. 2016/17 Prof. Guido Proietti


PART I: Algorithms for COOPERATIVE Distributed Systems (DS)

1. Leader Election

September 20, 2016: Introduction. Message Passing System. Synchronicity, symmetry, uniformity, anonymity. Example: distributed Depth First Search  tree computation.

Slides: Introductory elements.

September 22, 2016: Leader election in rings. Sense of direction. Impossibility for the anonymous case. Chang&Roberts algorithm.

September 27, 2016: Analysis of the Hirschberg&Sinclair algorithm. Leader election in synchronous non-uniform rings with synchronized start.

September 29, 2016: Leader election in synchronous uniform rings: the “slow-fast message” algorithm. Leader election in general topologies (summary of results).

October 13, 2016: Exercise: execution of the slow-fast algorithm and pseudo-code generation.

Slides: Leader election.


2. Minimum Spanning Tree

October 4, 2016: The Minimum Spanning Tree (MST) problem for non-anonymous arbitrary topologies. Preliminary lemmas. Asynchronous distributed version of the Prim’s algorithm.

October 6, 2016: High-level description of the Kruskal sequential algorithm. Synchronous version of the Gallager, Humblet e Spira (GHS) algorithm. Correctness and time and message complexity analysis.

October 11, 2016 (Seminar by Dott. Stefano Leucci): Motion planning problems. Definition of goals: Connectivity, Independent Set, and Clique. Measures: Sum, Max, and Number. Hardness and approximability of Independent Set w.r.t. the Max measure.

Slides: Motion planning.

October 13, 2016: Asynchronous version of the GHS algorithm. Correctness (sketch of proof) and time and message complexity analysis of asynchronous GHS.

October 18, 2016: Exercise: execution of the GHS algorithm in a pseudo-synchronous system.

Slides: MST.


3. Maximal Independent Set

October 20, 2016: The Maximal Independent Set (MIS) problem. A sequential and a general greedy algorithm for finding a MIS. A randomized distributed algorithm for finding a MIS with O(d log n) rounds w.h.p.

Slides: MIS.


4. Minimum Dominating Set

October 25, 2016: Monitoring a DS: query model. The Minimum Dominating Set (MDS) and the Minimum Identifying Code (MIC) problem.

November 5, 2016: L-reduction from Set Cover (SC) to MDS, and vice versa.

November 3, 2016: Greedy algorithm for the MDS problem. Distributed version of the greedy algorithm. Summary of results for the MIC problem.  

Slides: Monitoring.


          November 8, 2016, at 14.30, Room A1.2: Mid-term exam.


PART II: Algorithms for CONCURRENT DS: Mutual exclusion

November 15, 2016: Shared-memory model. The mutual exclusion (mutex) problem. The mutex problem with Read/Write registers. The bakery algorithm. Waiting boundedness, unboundedness of the register values.

November 17, 2016: Mutex algorithm for 2 processors with bounded register values. Extension to the case of n processors: the tournament tree algorithm.

Slides: Mutex.


PART III: Algorithms for UNRELIABLE DS: The consensus problem

November 22, 2016: Fault-tolerance in MPSs: the consensus problem.  Link failures: the 2 generals problem. Crash failures in nodes: (f+1)-rounds algorithm for f crash  failures. Lower bound for f crash failures.

November 24, 2016: Byzantine failures: the King algorithm.

November 30, 2016: Byzantine failures: impossibility with 3 processors out of which one is Byzantine. General impossibility result.

December 1, 2016: Exponential-tree algorithm. Correctness of the exponential-tree algorithm.

December 6, 2016: Exercise: example of execution of the King and the exponential tree algorithm.

Slides: Consensus.



PART IV: Advanced topics in DS

December 13, 2016 (Seminar by Dott. Giacomo Scornavacca): Distributed methods of payment (Part I). Electronic currencies versus traditional currencies. Drawbacks of a centralized implementation of an electronic currency. Decentralized implementation of an electronic currency: the double-spending problem as a consensus problem. The Bitcoin protocol and the Proof-of-Work idea

Slides: Bitcoins (Part I)

December 15, 2016 (Seminar by Dott. Giacomo Scornavacca): Distributed methods of payment (Part II). Analysis of the Bitcoin protocol. Vulnerabilities in the anonymity and in the mining process, and their relationships with information spreading in peer-to-peer networks.

Slides: Bitcoins (Part II)

December 20, 2016: Distributed Storage. Consistent Hashing. Hypercubic Networks. Skip Lists. Distributed Hash Table (with churn).  

Slides: Distributed Storage. (This topic will not be part of the final examination)

December 21, 2016: Distributed Sorting. Odd-even sorting. Shearsort. Sorting networks.

Slides: Distributed Sorting. (This topic will not be part of the final examination)


January 14, 2016:   (Reference group: Nicholas Angelucci and Domenico Di Cesare): Byzantine agreement and databases.

          (Reference group: Ayash Dima, Payares Kelwin, and Najem Tala): Parallel computation for matrix multiplication.


January 19, 2016:   (Reference group: Stefania Cicchini and Luana Dell'Elce): Byzantine agreement and Intrusion detection systems.

          (Reference group: Gabriella D'Andrea and Sara Ciccolone): Luby's algorithm.

(Reference group: Giuseppe Di Lena and Giuseppe Tomei): Self-stabilizing systems.


January 21, 2016:   (Reference group: Roberta Capuano and Jha Vikas): Rendez-vous on a ring.

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                   (Reference group: Daniele Alaggia and Mohammad Sohrabi): Parallel processing of large graphs.

(Reference group: Deepak Krishna and Riccardo Rubei): Concurrent Broadcast for Information Dissemination.

January 25, 2016: Summary and question time.